Tuesday 16 April 2013

Check out my 'I <3 SPRING TAG'

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Beauty things I suck at

Recently on Youtube, beauty gurus have been participating in this tag created by Rubenesquex3 otherwise know as Kim! Its so easy to look at these girls and assume they're perfect because truthfully, that is the beauty of editing, right? Kim came up with this idea because she wanted everyone to understand that they are real people and they too suck at things. I think this tag is so great. I try super hard when it comes to beauty and taking care of myself but truthfully, there are so many things I suck at. Let me share with you some of the things I suck at.

1. Eyeliner. Liquid eyeliner, winged eyeliner, eyeliner on my waterline or tight line, its all the same. I either look like I did drugs, like I've wrestled a lion in the jungle or as though I am working the streets at night.
2. Shaving my legs. The idea of shaving your legs is simple right? Wrong. I miss a spot every single time. I purposely go over my legs two or three times to make sure I get every single little hair yet I always fail.
3. Coloured eyeshadow. I can wear the heck out of neutrals and I can rock the light pink colours but anything other than that? Forget it. It literally looks like a Picasso wannabe used my eyelids as a canvas or as if I belong in a circus.
4. Contouring. This was totally not a thing before. Bronzer was applied lightly all over your face as to give it the glowing effect to your face. Now, bronzer is used to contour your face in hopes of looking slimmer. The problem here is, I will contour just as I see many girls do on Youtube, yet I look like I fell face first into a pile of dirt and forgot to wipe it off.
5. Curling my hair. It just always looks a little off.
6. Painting my nails. It literally looks like a four year old trying to colour inside the lines. Otherwise known as an epic failure. Don't even begin to mention nail art.
7. Finding a good skin care routine. I used to truthfully not wash my face. I mean in the shower I would wash it but simply with water and occasionally some soap and at night, I would simply use a makeup remover wipe. My skin never broke out. I recently started taking skin care more seriously. I use cleanser in the shower everyday, I use makeup remover for my eye makeup, a wipe for my face, a toner and a moisturizer as well as night cream. My skin is breaking out like a mad woman because of all the stuff its been containing for years. But I hate having zits so I feel like it would sometimes just be easier to not do it. I'm gross, wow.

I'm sure there are many more things that I simply cannot think of at the moment but that is my list for now!

If you would like to share with me some of the things you suck at, I would be super interested in reading them!

Sunday 27 January 2013

Healthy changes

As you guys may have noticed in my new years resolution post, i wanted to work on my health, both physical and mental.
Ive been working out and making healthy food choices.

Its not an easy battle. I like my junk food and i would prefer to sit on my butt and lose weight but clearly that isn't how it works.

Small changes. One step at a time. Start small and work up to it in order to not get discouraged. If you put your mind to it, anything is possible.

Saturday 26 January 2013

Project pan

Have you guys ever heard of a project pan? You select a number of makeup products and you pretty much vow to use them all up before switching them out or buying new ones. Im currently doing this! Check out my video at www.youtube.com/beautybyizzyxo

Thursday 10 January 2013

on new years resolutions

this year i stuck to categorizing my resolutions
1. health
2. money
3. blogging & youtube

when it comes to blogging, my goal is to blog twice a week. as you can see, i failed the first week of january but i am not giving up. you fall seven times, you stand up 8 times.

i plan on blogging this weekend. i am excited to review one of The Balm's palettes.

see you this weekend :)

Tuesday 1 January 2013


this year has been a whirlwind. a lot of bad, some good, some real ugly.
2013 is for a fresh new start. or so i hope.

Friday 28 December 2012


Sorry I have not been blogging the last couple days. I have been beyond busy with Christmas festivities! Its been a crazy week and it isn't over yet! I've been having lots of fun and I will definitely update you all once I'm back home. 

Santa was very good to me and I will post a christmas haul soon! :)

Happy Holidays!
